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April 10, 2019How To Remove Musty Smell From Rug?
How exactly can you remove the musty smell from the rug? Nothing can make a home repellent like the lingering odor trapped in rugs. Fortunately, there are a couple of strategies you can try before throwing your rugs away and buying new ones. With basic home remedies and several other methods outlined in this post, mildew along with the musty smell that accompanies it will be long gone from your home.
But What Causes the Odor?
If you have noticed a musty smell in your rugs, mildew is most likely the cause. Mildew grows on rugs once moisture is present. So, if your rug was wet and it was not cleaned immediately, you may notice mildew on it.
How to Get Rid of Musty Smell from Smelly Rugs
Things You Will Need
• Vacuum cleaner
• Garbage bag
• 1 tbsp. liquid laundry detergent
1. Run the Vacuum cleaner over the spots on the rug to suck up all loose mildew. Move outside with the rug and empty the vacuum cleaner canister into your garbage bag, or throw away the vacuum cleaner bag.
2. Prepare a solution of 2 cups of cool water and I tbsp of liquid laundry detergent in a bucket. Swish the mixture strongly until thick suds form.
3. Dampen the clean rug with cool water. Ensure the rag is just damp and not dripping wet. It is vital to apply as little additional moisture to the smelly rug as possible.
4. Dip the damp rag into the solution of soap suds to scoop some up. Scrub the mildew spots briskly with soap suds. Occasionally clean the scrub rag to avoid reapplying the mildew, until all the rug spots are gone.
5. Squeeze any extra soap from the rag. Shake baking soda onto the rug if the musky smell still hangs around even after cleaning the mildew. Allow the baking soda to sit on the carpet overnight, and then vacuum it the following day. You may have to repeat the process a couple of times to fully remove the odor.
Other Methods
Smelly rugs can be effectively dealt with using the common baking soda. Distribute it to form an even layer on the rag, and leave it intact for a couple of minutes. This method works by enabling baking soda to absorb the smell. Then vacuum the baking soda. Your rugs will be left with a clean and fresh smell.
If you notice that baking soda does not fully clean the smelly rag, you may use carpet foam cleaners. Spray foam cleaners to form an even coating on the surface of the rag. Depending on user instructions, allow the foam to soak into the rag until it turns into a dry powder, or work it using a sponge mop. Once the cleaner has stayed in place for the specified duration, vacuum the excess. You will notice your rugs are odor free.
Some smelly rugs are nothing more than products of small amounts of dirt that have been trapped in the fabrics for some time. When this is the case, all you need to do is to dislodge the dirt and remove it from the pile. Ideally, rent a water-based steam cleaner.
It is adequately powerful to loosen and remove all the dirt from between the fibers and get rid of the odor. Utilizing a carpet cleaning fluid as part of the steam cleaning will also help kill the odor. If you want to go in a more natural discretion, use white vinegar in place of the cleaning fluid.
There is also a myriad of products out in the market that can help you absorb the musty smell of rugs including smells from mildew. For instance, you may find products that consist of granules to help you absorb smells as well as extra moisture in the room.
You may also opt to use sprays that are advertised for similar use, but some may not work well. You can also make your own musty smell-absorbing agents, by simply placing briquettes in coffee containers. Baking soda can also serve the same purpose.
Once you have managed to get rid of the mildew odor from your rug, you will want to make sure it stays that way. Repeat the cleaning procedure periodically to ensure mildew does not come back. Smelly rag cleaning at times requires the help of a professional cleaner especially if the smell has spread to your carpets.
The chemicals professional cleaners use to clean your carpet depend mainly on the nature and origin of the smell, and they are often more powerful than anything you can purchase from your local malls.
If your rugs and carpeting are in good condition, using professional rug cleaning services turns out to be the most cost-effective method to fully clear your home from musty smells.