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April 10, 2019How To Remove Dry Paint From Carpet (Updated)
When you do the painting of your home in the interior, then you don’t want to have any kind of paint marks on your carpet. To have this result, you take all sorts of precautionary measures, and you get success also in the reduction of paint marks, but then also, at some places, wet pain manages to reach your carpet. After that, it gets dried, and you find removing the dry paint from your carpet almost impossible. Here, I wouldn’t say it is an impossible task, but I would agree it is not easy to do carpet cleaning once you get some dry paint stain on it.
But as I said carpet cleaning is not impossible, and if you can follow these simple steps, you can effectively remove all the stains of dry pain from your carpet with minimum effort and in the least possible time.
Table of Contents
Collect essential material for cleaning:
Before you start your carpet cleaning process, it is suggested you collect all the essential equipment to remove the dry paint from your carpet surface. Talking about these things that you will need to remove the dry paint stain from your carpet, you will need to use a good quality adhesive remover solution, some paint thinner, a stiff scrub brush, fresh white towels, hot water, and an iron. If you do not get any paint thinner, you can use some nail polish and also remove for your carpet cleaning work. Other than this you will need to use some ammonia as well, but that is optional, and if you don’t want to use it, you can skip that method.
Test the chemicals:
Adhesive remover solution and paint thinner contain strong chemicals that can negatively affect your carpet. So before you use it for the removal of dry paint from your carpet, it is a good idea that you taste it in a place that is not visible at all. When you find a such spot on your carpet, then spray some adhesive remover solution at that place and leave it like for that one hour.
If you do not see any sign of discoloration or damage, then you can go apply some paint thinner or nail polish remover on the same place, and you can wait for another hour. If you see no damage there, you can try the same with ammonia, and then you can go ahead with the cleaning process. If you find some damage at the third stage, then you can skip ammonia, and if you see damage at the initial two stages then you will have to try some other cleaning agent that goes well with your carpet.
Spray the adhesive remover:
Once you have this assurance that adhesive removal and paint thinner are safe for your carpet, you can spray some adhesive removal solution for your carpet cleaning. When you pour it, make sure you apply it to only those places where you have dry paint stains and you leave the other sites intact. This solution will reduce the strength of dried paint from your carpet, and you will be able to remove the dry paint stains from your carpet easily.
Scrub it with a putty knife: Now you need to take the putty knife, and you can scrub the dries paint from your carpet surface. When you do this scrubbing, make sure you scrub it gently so you don’t damage your carpet in the carpet cleaning process. Also, when you do this scrubbing, then it is essential that you scrub it only from the upper part because if you will try to scrub it from the base, then you might damage the carpet with that force. At this stage, you can use some blade or knife as well, but you need to use that wisely because a slight mistake can damage your carpet or hurt you badly.
Use paint thinner:
After you scrub the dry paint stain from your carpet, you can use paint thinner or nail polish remover to remove the remaining paint marks. At this time stage, you can take a small brush, and you can apply the paint thinner on those places where you have dry paint stains on your carpet. With this step, you will get an almost clean carpet, and you will be able to complete the carpet cleaning in one more step. However, this method will work well only for oil-based paint, and if you have water-based paint on your carpet then you will have to follow the next step also.
Use hot water:
To remove water-based dry paint from your carpet, you will have to use some hot water instead of paint thinner. You must remember that your slight mistake can worsen the situation at this stage. That’s why it is essential that when you use hot water, you hold all other work in your hand. Talking about the carpet cleaning method at this stage, you need to spray some really hot water on your carpet surface, and once it is waiting, you can use a white towel to soak to color.
You can try this method for some time unless you see no paint marks on your carpet:
Use ammonia to remove reaming stains:
Until now, you can have a clean carpet, but if you still see some dry paint stains on your carpet, you can use hot water, ammonia, and a brush to remove those stains. Now make a mixture of 1 cup of hot water and 2 tablespoons of ammonia and spray it on your carpet. After that, you need to wait for some time then you can use a stiff brush to remove the stain from your carpet.
Use iron on it:
This is the last step you may need to do the carpet cleaning. At this stage, you can put a clean white cloth on your carpet then keep the iron on it constantly. In this process, you need to change your clothes constantly, and very soon, you will have a carpet with no sign of dry pain on it.