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June 9, 2020How to Clean & Maintain Carpet Steam Cleaner After Using It?
Carpet Steam Cleaner Maintenance. Despite all the best-applied efforts, you can have years of dirt, stains, and grime that gets accumulated. And now in such a situation, you’re definitely in requirement of carpet cleaning. However, firstly it’s vital to know about the appropriate method of carpet cleaning that works best?
While dry cleaning is commonly done, the steam cleaning machines are also used for flawless cleaning and these machines have a lot of advantages over other methods.
In commercial and home carpet cleaning machines, hot water use is frequent for providing the steam. Here, the steam doesn’t clean the carpet by itself. Instead, the cleaning machine is meant to spray the detergent into the carpet. The hot water then activates detergent in carpet fibers – would be acidic for the wool fibers and alkaline for the synthetic carpet fibers. Then a wet-vac is usable for sucking up the bulk of the water on the floor.
A lot of people go for the CARPET STEAM CLEANER as they’ve got concerns regarding dry-cleaning chemicals that affect the environment and health.
Carpet cleaning machines are products that are frequently used and mostly they’re used throughout the year for getting rid of the toughest stains and for routine cleaning works. However, with its continuous usage, you need to ensure that it goes through proper cleaning and is working at the best. It would be vital for the carpet cleaning machine to get cleaned on a regular basis for preventing machine components from getting malfunctioned and clogged.
Its maintenance is essential to get optimum performance for a long time.
Among different methods used by professional carpet cleaners, steam cleaning is one of the best as employs hot water extraction solution for deeply cleaning the carpet through water temperatures between the temperatures of 180 to 212-degree Fahrenheit.
With the below-listed instructions, you would efficiently be able to properly service and maintain your carpet cleaner. Make sure to unplug the cleaner from all the power sources before you begin the cleaning process.
YOU MUST CLEAN THE NOZZLE – Take out the grime and dirt after detaching nozzle, done through a lot of models of carpet stean cleaners. You can also place nozzle beneath the sink faucet for cleaning it with the regular tap water. Take cleaning cloth and also apply pressure for removing stuck dirt that would be present in the nozzle area.
YOU SHOULD REMOVE LINT – While the nozzle gets detached, you must remove lint which gets stuck in the machine. It typically gets found in a section because of the filter trap or screen.
CLEAN BRUSHES – With the cleaning and maintenance of carpet steam cleaner most people ignore brush cleaning. For cleaning the brushes, you must pull out hair, fibers and other debris which has been removed, you must remove brushes through the machine. This can be placed within the faucet and you must also clean these using tap water.
TANK CLEANING – You can avoid storing carpet cleaners without the rinsing and cleaning first. The best way of doing this would be to empty tank for getting rid of all cleaning solutions. You can fill this back while having fresh water so the solution gets flushed out. It helps in the prevention of clogging in different carpet parts of the cleaning machine.
MAKE SURE TO USE RECOMMENDED CLEANING PRODUCTS – Although a lot of homeowners are tempted for using bargain brand cleaners, it is best to only make use of cleaning products recommended through the manufacturer.
Not only this is the finest way of cleaning the carpet, but also this is the best way for getting optimum performance from your steam carpet cleaner machine. Additionally, a few manufacturers void warranty when you’re using the cleaning solution which is not manufacturer endorsed. Thus, it would be good to determine the right type of cleaners that are designed for working well together with the carpet cleaning machine model that you own.
CLEANING OF EXTERIORS – it’s best to prevent dust and dirt buildup on the carpet cleaner’s exterior. You can take clean damp cloth while also wiping down outside of cleaner with each use.
DRYING THE CLEANER – You must be sure that the carpet cleaner completely remains dry before you keep it in the storage.
Thus, with these few essential steps, you can ensure care and maintenance for your CARPET STEAM CLEANER to get it running in optimum condition while also maintaining its safety for day to day use. Other than all these steps you can reach out expert maintenance staff for these machines.
For more cleaning tips follow: Singapore Carpet Cleaining Pte Ltd