Carpet Cleaning – For a Healthy And Hygienic Environment
January 14, 2013Benefits Of Regular Carpet Cleaning
Regular cleaning and maintenance is very important for keeping carpets in good condition. If carpets are not cleaned regularly their life span gets reduced. If carpets are regularly washed and maintained perfectly they remain for a longer period whereas improper maintenance of carpet will result in earlier replacement. The carpet that is kept clean imparts a fresh look to the room. Carpets musts be subjected to professional cleaning according to a schedule. A dirty carpet will be contaminated with many types of dirt like food particles, dust, skin flakes and pet hair etc. When the carpet is wet it will breed bacteria. It is all the more important to keep the carpet clean and disinfected so that it will not provide any health hazards.
Methods of carpet cleaning
Carpets can be cleaned either by professional carpet cleaners or by using consumer carpet-cleaning products. Since professional cleaners make use of specially made equipments they can remove the dirt that cannot be washed out using consumer carpet-cleaning products. There must be a regular schedule for professional carpet cleaning. In case the carpet is subjected to high traffic it must be washed twice in a week. Oil spills and pet stains must be removed be immediately used specially made products. The carpet should not be subjected to direct sunlight which will reduce its durability. Carpet can be cleaned using steam carpet cleaners also. The most modern carpet cleaning techniques have lots of advantages. Those who want to clean the carpets using carpet cleaning machines must go for machines of the latest technology. Information regarding the latest type of cleaning machines an be gathered from the internet.
Tips for carpet cleaning
Following a few cleaning tips can ensure the best results from carpet cleaning. Prior to cleaning the carpet, all furniture must be removed. This facilitates thorough cleaning of the carpet. Proper care must be taken to clean every spot in the carpet. Before the carpet gets dried after cleaning none should walk over it. Vacuum cleaning should be carried out regularly to keep the carpet look fresh. Proper cleaning of carpet enables to keep it in good condition so as to prolong its life period. The carpet that is not cleaned regularly will not last for more than 3 years. The carpet that is subjected to professional steam cleaning can remain for 7 years. However the carpets that are cleaned regularly as per schedule can remain up to 11 years. Carpet cleaning solutions must be kept available always and when there is a spill on the carpet it must be cleaned immediately using the cleaning solutions. Professional cleaning is quite necessary at least once in a month.
Life pan of the carpet depends on how it is maintained. Those who neglect to maintain their carpet may have to replace the carpet a few years earlier. Those who have invested more of a carpet must ensure its proper maintenance. Regular cleaning not only makes the carpet look fresh butalso increases its life span. In the house as well as office the owners will be proud of theircostly carpets. Carpet attracts the attention of everyone who visits the home or office. Hence proper maintenance of the carpet is all the more important.