Is Dry Carpet Cleaning Efficient?
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September 11, 2019How Often Do We Need To Clean Cinema’s Carpet?
Are you wondering whether to clean your cinema carpets daily or once per week or periodically? Well, you should regularly clean your cinema carpet, so it stands the test of time, and remain aesthetically appealing. Cinema carpets are however larger than standard rugs making cleaning them difficult and a bit costly.
There are a lot of factors which will determine the frequency of how you clean the cinema carpets. Read on to see how regularly you should clean cinema carpets.
Which Factors Influence The Frequency Of Cinema Carpet Cleaning?
Here is a breakdown of the top five factors which will influence how often you clean your carpets.
1. The Cinema Schedules
Schedules of the cinema play a primary role in the frequency of cleaning your carpet. It’s important to note how many times in a week or a month do people visit the cinema.
If the cinema is not used frequently i.e., two to three days in one week, the frequency of cleaning your carpet will be lesser. However, if the cinema is used throughout the week, you will need to adopt a more frequent cleaning program for your carpet.
2. The Cleaning Method
There are multiple cleaning methods you could apply to your cinema carpets cleaning. The most common ones are dry cleaning and steam cleaning.
Steam cleaning is generally intensive and always geared towards removing all the stains on your carpet. It requires much effort, a bit expensive and you may also need to leave the carpet out for some time to dry.
On the other hand, sweeping the carpets is lesser expensive intensive and doesn’t require too much effort. It’s easy, and you can do it any time to remove any loosely hanging dirt.
3. The Carpet Type
It’s worth noting that carpets come in a wide range of fabrics. This means that the movie theater cleaning frequency won’t be the same for all the mats.
If you’re using the thick carpet, the frequency of cleaning it will be lesser as compared to the standard mats. If you’re using the regular carpet, the frequency may not be very consistent. The color will, however, influence how often you clean it.
If you chose a cinema carpet with maroon color, it won’t show as much dirt as a gray carpet would easily display. The color will also play a role in your planning of the cleaning schedules.
4. The Cinema Size
The small cinemas are not too much labor-intensive meaning you will use lesser efforts, and money to clean your carpets. This makes it even easy to increase the frequency at which you clean the carpets.
In contrary, if you’re having a large cinema, the size can post a challenge in terms of the labor intensity required and the overall cost. If you choose to go with commercial carpet cleaning services, Singapore.
This will mean that you reduce the frequency to match not only your budget but also your schedules.
5. Snacks offered or allowed in the cinema
If you allow your clients to come with food, it’s easy for them to carry food which will easily stick, and leave tough stains if the snacks spill on the carpets. Either way, if you’re the one who offers snacks e.g., sodas and popcorns, it will be a bit easy for you to control the frequency of cleaning the carpets.
Despite these factors, you still need to clean the carpets to get rid of the foul smell that would be coming from them, and also ensure that they’re aesthetically appealing. For the spring cleaning, you should clean your cinema carpets at least once after every 90 days.
Bottom Line
To avoid dust buildup, it’s advisable that you regularly sweep the cinema carpets on almost a daily basis. Regularly cleaning the carpets will help you ensure that little dirt is retained in the rugs, thereby making the intensive wet carpet cleaning easier.
If you’re looking to avoid too much dirt buildup on your movie theater carpets, it’s also advisable that you regularly clean the carpets using sucker machines. Because of the heavy foot traffic in your cinema, you should dry clean the cinema carpets more frequently.
If you wish to go with commercial carpet cleaning services, Singapore be sure to always check for recommendations. Don’t let the pricing to fool you. In the absence of recommendations, check past client reviews of the agency you’re looking to hire.